Sunday, July 16, 2006

metric @ bluesfest

on friday night, i attended the metric concert at bluesfest here in ottawa with my friends goron, lindsay and melissa. i'm somewhat of a newfound metric fan, but this show opened my eyes to the incredible musical talent this foursome posses.

we arrived a song into the set, but were blown away by the electric show. frontwoman emily haines jerked non-stop with her funky dancemoves as she pounded on the keyboards. the rest of the band seemed content to bask in the background as the show focused primarily on the lead singer, but it took nothing away from the production.

crowd favourites 'poster of a girl' was quickly followed by 'monster hosptial' (their 2 recent singles), but the band tapped in to their older catologue as well, opening with old world underground's first song, 'i.o.u.'. haines held the audience in sway with her deceptively sweet voice, entertaining, unpredictable moves and undeniable star quality.

the show seemed to progress quickly, due partly to their no-nonsense approach and also my personal enjoyment of the concert. after a quick break, metric finished with an encore of 'soft rock star' and an extended live version of 'dead disco'.

metric's music is somewhat unpredictable in the sense that it starts slow then bursts out with a thunderous keyboard-dominated synthesizing blast. haines' sweetly sensitive vocals quickly turn to loud screaches of frustration and angst. it makes for one amazing mod rock show! i highly recommend you check them out sometime.

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