it's been a great week for mail. finally received my broil king bbq that i won through the tim horton's rrrrrrrrrroll up the rrrrrrrrrrim sweepstakes. i also got a call from part source who have found the bug deflector i had ordered for skippy's honda accord for father's day. we're installing it today. and i received my clothing order from urban outfitters.
online clothing shopping is becoming my new bad habit / guilty pleasure. i've found recently that my wardrobe consists of the same safe selections that i've purchased at the gap and american eagle. after my shopping excursion in montreal (h&m, urban outfitters), i realized that there is much more to clothes shopping than what's available at bayshore shopping mall.
montreal, however, is still a couple hours away. so, i've found solace in the fact that both h&m and urban outfitters have extensive selections available at their online retail shops.
what's even more exciting is that urban outfitters has a great selection of shoes online. being a size 13, i have a difficult time finding the size i need in the particular shoe i like most. online shoe shopping saves me a lot of disappointment.
i've yet to master the ebay phenomenon however...
How do you know that the clothes you buy on-line are going to fit you? What if you don't want them after to get them?
lookin' good lahey.
one thing for sure: you and the 'hoff are lady killers. no doubt.
well, mel.. i haven't thought so far as that. i suppose you really have to love what you're about to buy. for girls, i'm assuming it's a little more difficult to buy clothes. for guys, if you're a Large, you're a Large everywhere. and as for shoes, well, we all know what size shoe we wear, don't we?
james, the only thing missing is the fu-mang-shu mustache. maybe i'll start rockin' that look in the fall.
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