Friday, September 01, 2006

cleaning out my closet

no, this isn't going to be a crying rant ala eminem in which i bash my mother and ex-wife in a choppy rap over screaming tears. today, i literally cleaned out my closet. how about that? since moving back to cornwall for the summer, i found myself continually living out of my suitcase and laundry basket. i suppose i was somewhat in denial that i was even living here for an extended period of time, let alone the thought of establishing permanent destinations for my clothing seemed a waste of time.

and now, even though my return to ottawa is coming closer, i became frustrated with tripping over laundry baskets and belts lying haphazard on the floor. so i finally broke down and started organizing. for this i had to clean out my bedroom closet and rid myself of my old high school notebooks, ex-girlfriends' memorabilia, and toys that sadly i am too mature (and i use that term loosely) to play with anymore. the final tally includes: 2 garbage bags of unneeded clothes for the local agape center, 2 garbage bags of useless (but a-minus average) high school assignments and countless rubbish. and best of all, i won't be face planting into the door as i stumble towards my morning coffee.


AquariusDragon said...

When I first read the title, I thought you were coming out of the closet... but you're just cleaning it.... Good on ya!

okjeff said...

this isn't the lance bass blog, my dear

James said...
