Friday, June 02, 2006

lost and found

well... well... well... it's been quite some time since i last updated this blog and well, the hate mail is pouring in! so here i am back again, and i suppose i should explain the reasons for not updating in nearly 6 months.

i haven't been online in nearly 2 months, due to moving out of my house in ottawa, and back into my parent's place. recently, i re-surfaced so the blogging will continue soon enough.

for the months prior to the last 2, well, let's just say i was pre-occupied with more stressing matters (more to follow)... and that's that.


Vile Blasphemer said...

I hear ya- I've had my share of hatemail too.

AquariusDragon said...

Welcome back!

okjeff said...

good to be back!